Wondershare Privacy Policy

1. Data Controller and Representative

This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of Wondershare’s Sites and Products and anywhere we display or reference this policy. Through our Sites and Products, Wondershare and its affiliated entities (collectively, "Wondershare", "us," or "we") implement the processing of information that can be used to identify you ("Personal Data") listed below. Wondershare is committed to protecting your Personal Data. We understand that the security of your Personal Data is important. We provide reasonable administrative, technical, and physical security controls to protect your Personal Data. We will only collect and use information from you as described in this Privacy Policy. We will not sell your data to any third parties without your expresee consent.

The data controller is Wondershare Technology Group Co., LTD and its affiliated companies(including but not limited to Wondershare Technology Co., LTD, Wondershare Global Limited, Vbroadcast Limited,WONSON GLOBAL ENTERPRISES INC), West of Donghuan Road, North of 1-4 Road, South of 1-3 Road, Room No.2, Floor 6, Building No.8 of East of Liuwu Building, Lhasa, China. Privacy-related questions can be directed to privacy@wondershare.com.

Wondershare has appointed an EU representative in accordance with the Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data (the “GDPR”). You can contact the designated EU representative of Wondershare by reaching gdpr.m@wondershare.de.

Please read carefully the following privacy policy which provides you, as the User of the Sites and/or Products (the “User” or “You”), with the relevant information regarding the various processing of Personal Data implemented by Wondershare.

2. Personal Data Processing Implemented by Wondershare

“Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. Depending on how you interact with us, we process different kinds of data and in different ways. Some data is automatically processed if you visit our Sites or use our Products. Others data is only processed if you actively submit it to us (like using our web forms to get in touch with us or uploading content to our Sites).

2.1 Data we process if you visit our Sites:

When the User visits our Sites, Wondershare implements a processing of Personal Data as follows:

2.1.1 Personal Data we collect if you visit our Sites

- Date and time of the visit and the duration of use of the Site;
- Information about how you visit our Sites (including the webpage that led you to a Wondershare Site, the search terms entered into a search engine which led you to a Wondershare Sites);
- Your operations and clicks to our Sites;
- Date and time of the visit and the duration of use of the Sites;
-Information about your device (type of device, browser type and version, as well as settings, installed plug-ins, operating system).
The aforementioned Personal Data is referred to as Website Usage Data.

2.1.2 Purposes of Processing

We process Website Usage Data to allow you to surf the Sites and to ensure its functionality. We also process Website Usage Data to perform analyses on the performance of the Sites, to continuously improve the Sites and correct errors, to ensure IT security and operation of our systems, as well as to prevent or uncover abuse. We further process this data in aggregated or pseudonymized form to analyze trends, administer the Sites, track users' movements around the Sites, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole or to improve marketing (including serving you personalized, interest-based ads) as well as the user experience on our Site and guaranteeing the safety of our IT systems.

2.2 Data we process only if you submit it to us:

2.2.1 Personal Data we collect if you submit to us through the data collection form in the purchase process or other processes:

- Account Data: On some of our Sites, you can register for an account with your e-mail address and a password you create. If you register one of our Sites or Products, you will automatically create an account you can use to manage your licensed Products. Usually you need to provide your Name, Gender, Age, Image, Email address, Address, Country, Postal code, Phone number, Company name and industry you work for to create your account;
-Transaction Data: Billing information, such as your name, email address, billing address, your business affiliation (company or organization name). Type of Product you purchase, Amount you pay in your currency, Subscription ID, Subscription-related URLs (such as purchase confirmation page URL, subscription cancelation URL, invoice PDF URL);
-Comment Data;
-Content of customer support communications;
-Other Data you voluntarily provide to us.

2.2.2 Purposes of Processing

We use Account Data to help you to create an account (WSID) and keep a record of your product license (that is, authenticating and periodically verifying your licensing rights in the product for anti-piracy purposes) and to enable the provision of maintenance or support services to you. We will also use this information to provide in-product messaging with information about products, features, or services offered by Wondershare.

We will use Transaction Data to complete your order, for billing purposes, and for internal accounting and charge back management purpose.

We will use the comment data to improve its products and provide the consumers and potential consumers with a better and transparent information about the Wondershare products. Wondershare may use the comments (with your relevant information) you post for marketing purpose in order for others to better understand and use our products.

In order to provide the Products you purchased to you, or perform the contract between you and Wondershare.

We do not collect or process the data about your payment instruments such as credit card numbers, banking account numbers or Pay Pal accounts. This information is collected, processed and stored by our qualified payment processors.

From time to time, we may contact our customers directly by mail, email, or telephone to inform you about upgrades, new products, promotions, or special offers that you told us you were interested in receiving (including our newsletters). The subscription to Wondershare’s newsletters and the related provision of Personal Data is made on a voluntary basis so that the processing of the collected Personal Data relies on the User’s consent. If you want to cancel the aforementioned purpose, you can contact us or operate through your account or our forms on our Sites.

2.3 Data we process if you use our Products:

2.3.1 Personal Data we collect if you use our Products:

We have different kinds of products and different products may collect different data. Generally, the data we collect are limited to:

- your product serial number;
- Product Usage Data. We collect information about the products which you use and how you use them, including but not limited to Launch data, Feature usage, Page clicks, Sign-in information;
- Product Installation Data. Your local device information, including but not limited to your device information, device hardware, operating system, other software on your system, Username, your Wondershare ID, location, IP address, operating log information, the size and format of the files you are working with;
- Crash data and the information of the files you are working with. If the User meets with a crash problem, we will enquire if the User agrees to send the original document to Wondershare. Only if the User agrees to send Wondershare the original document, Wondershare can have access to the original document;
- For our Famisafe product, we usually collect information on the device which has installed Famisafe. The information may include device model, system version and language, User’s submitted information, installed applications, browser record, keyword (for early warning purpose), driving information, etc;
- Wondershare InClowdz uses OAuth authentication to configure cloud storage services for the application on your behalf, which may include viewing and managing your Google cloud service storage files such as photo albums, media libraries, shared albums, etc. InClowdz does not store any of your files. InClowdz only transfers and processes information based on valid user requests to access or transfer files. InClowdz complies with a complete list of security standards defined by Google. You can find more information about Google security on the Google Cloud Platform Website;
- Wondershare Drive is designed as a simple and personalized way for you to store your files, documents, photos, and so on (“Your Stuff”), therefore, except the general information listed above, we also collect Your Stuff you choose to store on our Wondershare Drive platform. For our Wondershare Drive product, Your Stuff on our Wondershare Drive platform will only be used to provide the Wondershare Drive Service to you and will not be used for any other purpose.
- For our Wondershare Virbo product, after you purchase subscribe and purchase our AI avatar customization services and voice cloning services (collectively,“Customization Services”), we will collect and process personal data containing your or the designated model's biological features, such as images and voices, that you voluntarily submit and provide to us, based on the need to provide you with Customization Services, with your affirmative consent.

2.3.2 Purposes of Processing

We process Product Usage Data and Product Installation Data so that we can facilitate, evaluate, and verify your use of our products and services. We will also use the Product Usage Data for our own internal statistical and analytical purposes, and to evaluate and enhance users' experience of the Products by identifying customer preferences and analyzing crash data. If you want to cancel the aforementioned purpose, you can contact us or operate through your account or our forms on our Sites.

In order to provide the Products you purchased to you, or perform the contract between you and Wondershare.

In order to provide customer service or support.

In order to show you ads for Wondershare products and services that we think may interest you. If you want to cancel the aforementioned purpose, you can contact us or operate through your account or our forms on our Sites.

3. Our Legal Basis for Processing

When processing your Personal Data, we usually rely on your consent. However, under some circumstances, we may process your Personal Data without getting your prior consent, such circumstances may include: (a) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you(the data subject) are party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; (b) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which Wondershare (the controller) is subject; (c) processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person; (d) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller; (e) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of Personal Data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

If we rely on your consent to process your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

4. Recipients of Your Personal Data

We treat your Personal Data with care and confidentially and will only pass it on to third parties to the extent described below and not beyond. We do not share, sell, rent, or trade Personal Data with third parties for their promotional purposes without your prior consent.
- Affiliated Companies: Wondershare is a global company, with subsidiaries worldwide, including in China, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong SAR. We may share data with our subsidiaries in the ordinary course of our business, in order to provide our product, technical support, customer services to you.
- Service Providers: We may share your Personal Data with companies that help us to run our business by processing Personal Data on behalf of us for the purposes identified above. Such companies include payment processing companies which can help us process transactions, the parties providing our third-party cookies and tracking tools which may send tracking data or analysis report and to Wondershare,email delivery service providers which can help us deliver promotion emails to you, server companies we hire to provide service to you, charge back management service providers, fraud monitoring and prevention providers, social medias, algorithm technology service provider, third party online forums, and other marketing platforms and service providers.
In addition, Wondershare may disclose the User’s Personal Data to:
- Public Authorities: if Wondershare is under a duty to disclose or share such Personal Data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to protect the rights, property or safety of its business, its customers or others; and
- Business Transactions: to successors in title or replacement operators of all or part of Wondershare’s respective businesses.

5. Transfer of Personal Data Across National Borders

The main locations where we process your Personal Data include the US, EU, China, but we may also transfer Personal Data to other countries in the world where our Products are available. We carry out these transfers across national boarder in compliance with applicable laws – for example, by putting data transfer agreements(such as the Standard Contractual Clauses required by GDPR) in place to help protect your Personal Data.

The collected Personal Data may be transferred by Wondershare to recipients which are located outside the EU and such destinations may not have laws which protect the User’s Personal Data to the same extent as in the EU. Wondershare ensures that the User’s Personal Data processed by Wondershare or by its suppliers and partners operating outside the EU are treated securely and are protected against unauthorized access, loss or destruction, unlawful processing and any processing which is inconsistent with the purposes set out in this privacy policy.

Please find below the relevant information on transfer across national borders:

- Wondershare may transfer your payment information to payment processing companies outside the EU to process transactions;
- Wondershare may use third party cookies and tracking tools (such as AdWords, Bing, bugsplat, Criteo, disqus, Facebook, FireBase, Flurry, Google Analytics, Hotjar, LinkedIn, Pardot, Quora) to track the information on how Users use the Sites and products, such Sites usage data and product usage data may be sent to and stored in third party servers located outside the EU. Such third-party cookies and tracking tools may send the tracking data or analysis report to Wondershare for our above-mentioned purpose. Most of the third-party cookies and tracking tools process your Personal Data anonymously;
- Wondershare may transfer your email address and other necessary information such as your name to email delivery service providers outside the EU to deliver promotion emails to you;
- Wondershare may store the Personal Data on the servers leased from server service providers;
- Wondershare may transfer your relevant Personal Data to marketing platforms and service providers outside the EU to complete relevant service;
- Wondershare may transfer your relevant Personal Data to fraud monitoring and prevention providers outside the EU to complete relevant service.

6. Duration of the storage

Wondershare will store the collected Personal Data for the duration necessary for the fulfilment of our contractual relationship or legal obligations and permitted by applicable legislation. Beyond this duration, we will delete the Personal Data according to applicable legislation. in order for Wondershare to be able to demonstrate the existence of a right or a contract or a legal obligation, the relevant Personal Data will be stored through intermediary archives for a duration that will not exceed what is strictly necessary regarding the purpose of the storage and in accordance with the applicable legislation. Regarding banking information, said information will be deleted once the payment has been processed and has become effective. Withdrawal time period could additionally apply. The number and the expiration date of the credit card number (not the CVV security code) could be stored through intermediary archives for evidence purposes in case of a claim regarding the payment, for the duration provided by applicable legislation.

7. Cookies and tracking tools

Wondershare implements a number of industry standard information-tracking tools to collect information about your use with our Sites and Products. When the User consults the Sites and/or the Products, Wondershare implements cookies on the User’s device. The third-party tracking tools are listed as blow, but it doesn’t necessarily mean each of our Sites or Products use all the tracking tools listed below.

No. Name and link of third-party tracking tools Data collected by tracking tools Purpose of data collection Used on Website or product
1 Adwords
( https://policies.google.com/ )
( https://privacy.microsoft.com/ )
( https://www.criteo.com/privacy/ )
( https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation/ )
( https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy )
( https://www.quora.com/about/privacy )
Website usage data targeting and advertising purpose Website
2 FireBase
( https://policies.google.com/privacy )
( https://legal.yahoo.com/us/en/yahoo/privacy/index.html )
local device data
product usage data
data submitted by the User
better understand how the products work and crash and make improvements. product
3 Google Analytics
( https://policies.google.cn/privacy )
Adjust SDK
( https://www.adjust.com/terms/privacy-policy/ )
AppsFlyer SDK
( https://www.appsflyer.com/legal/privacy-policy/ )
Website usage data
product usage data
local device data
better understand how the Website and product work, and make improvements Website
4 Bugsplat
( https://docs.bugsplat.com/introduction/production/security-privacy-and-compliance/privacy-policy )
Tencent bugly
( https://privacy.qq.com/ )
crash data better understand how the product crash, and make improvements product
5 Disqus
( https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717103-disqus-privacy-policy )
User’s comments to Product and Website better display and manage User’s comments Website
6 Hotjar
( https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/ )
Website usage data better understand how the Websites work and make improvements Website
7 Pardot
( https://www.salesforce.com/ap/company/privacy/ )
Inquiry information and other data submitted by the User. In order for Wondershare to contact Users to follow up the inquiry. Website
8 Sense Time SDK
( https://www.sensetime.com/cn/clause )
Camera data To realize product function Product
( https://www.jiguang.cn/license/privacy )
local device data Push messages Product
10 Sensors Data SDK
( https://www.sensorsdata.cn/compliance/privacy.html )
product usage data better understand how the product work, and make improvements Product

For additional information on cookies and tracking tools, please read Wondershare’s cookies policy

8. Third Party Services

Some of our products may use the Third-Party services, such as Wondershare Virbo, Wondershare DemoCreator, KwiCut use YouTube API Services, which enable end users to directly upload videos to YouTube from the API client, Wondershare PDFelement use Google API Services, which enable end users to read, modify, and save files from the API client, KwiCut use Microsoft Copilot, which enable users to use GPT Service. and Wondershare Filmora use OpenAI API Service, which enable end users to use ChatGPT. When Third-Party Services are enabled by a Customer or an Authorized User, Wondershare may share Information with Third-Party Services. Such as the user's audio, video and etc. Third-Party Services are not owned or controlled by Wondershare and third parties that have been granted access to Information may have their own policies and practices for its collection, use, and sharing. Please check the permissions, privacy settings, and notices for these Third-Party Services or contact the provider for any questions。

9. User’s Rights

To the extent required by the law of your jurisdiction, you may have below rights. Before you exercise below rights, you may consult your legal counsel if the laws of your jurisdiction stipulate below rights. Residents in the EU have below rights according to GDPR.

Rights Content
The right to be informed The User has the right to be provided with clear, transparent and easily understandable information about how Wondershare collects and uses Personal Data and its rights. This is the reason why Wondershare is providing the User with the information in this privacy policy.
The right of access The User has the right to obtain access to its Personal Data (if Wondershare is processing it), and other certain information (similar to that provided in this privacy policy).
The right to rectification The User is entitled to have its Personal Data corrected if it’s inaccurate or incomplete.
The right to erasure This ‘the right to be forgotten’ enables the User to request the deletion or removal of its Personal Data where there’s no compelling reason for Wondershare to keep using it. This is not a general right to erasure; there are exceptions.
The right to restrict processing Under certain circumstances, the User has the rights to ‘block’ or suppress further use of its Personal Data.
The right to data portability The User has the rights to receive its Personal Data provided to Wondershare in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and has the right to transmit those data to another controller.
The right to object to processing The User has the right to object, on grounds relating to its particular situation, at any time, to the processing of its Personal Data.
The right to lodge a complaint The User has the right to lodge a complaint about the way Wondershare handles or processes its Personal Data with its national supervisory authority (in France, the CNIL).
The right to withdraw consent If the user has given its consent for a specific processing of its Personal Data implemented by Wondershare, the User has the right to withdraw its consent at any time. In case the User does so, it does not mean that anything Wondershare has done with the User’s Personal Data with its consent up to that point is unlawful).
The right to define instructions The User has the right to define general or specific instructions regarding storage, deletion and use of its Personal Data after death.

If you want to exercise your rights aforementioned, you can contact us directly or operate through your account or our forms on our Sites, we will actively cooperate with you and provide assistance to you.

However, to register with Wondershare, to create an Wondershare account, and to use some Wondershare Sites, Products, the provision of some information including but not limited to the email address is mandatory: if relevant information is not provided, then we will not be able to administer an Wondershare account to you, or provide you with the Sites, products or services requested. Other provision of your information is optional. Providing optional information will help us offer you a better experience, such as more personalized or tailored content or offerings.

10. Collecting Information from Children

Wondershare's Sites and products are not intended for use by children under the age of 16 and we do not intentionally collect any information from users under the age of 16. If you do not meet applicable age requirements, please do not use those Sites and products. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that their child has provided Wondershare with Personal Data or that we have otherwise inadvertently collected this information, contact us at privacy@wondershare.com, so that we may delete the information from our servers.

11. Revision of this Privacy Policy

Occasionally, we may change this privacy policy (or other documents related to privacy policy) to allow Wondershare to use or share your Personal Data in a different way. If we do, the links to the policy on our Sites (which are generally found in the footer of the Sites) will indicate that the policy has been changed. For new Users, the change will become effective upon posting. For existing Users, if the change is significant, it will become effective 30 days after posting. We encourage you to periodically review the privacy policy for the latest information on our privacy practices.

12. Contacting Wondershare

If the User needs to contact Wondershare for any reason (including to exercise any of its rights in relation to data protection as set out above) please contact privacy@wondershare.com.

Wondershare will act on the User’s requests and provide information free of charge, except where the requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive (in particular because of their repetitive nature) in which case Wondershare may charge a reasonable fee (taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication, or taking the action requested), or refuse to act on the request.

13. YouTube Privacy Policy

13.1 Privacy when uploading to YouTube

When using the YouTube upload feature, Google’s privacy policy applies to media uploaded to YouTube. You can view the Google privacy policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US

13.2 Revoking FilmoraGo’s access to YouTube Data

You may revoke FilmoraGo’s access to YouTube at any time via the Google security settings page at https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions.

13.3 YouTube Terms of Service

Wondershare will only access and use the viewing, commenting, liking and subscription data of Youtube videos and will not store or share Google user data.
You can view the YouTube Terms of Service here: https://www.youtube.com/t/terms

14. Google Privacy Policy

14.1 Google Drive Services User Data Policy

When using the Google Drive feature, Google's privacy policy applies to accessing Google Drive. The personal data we obtain through the Google Workspace API will not be used for any purposes of developing, improving, or training generalized artificial intelligence and/or machine learning models. You can view the Google privacy policy here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US
For some Wondershare products' generative AI features, the personal data we obtain from Google Drive will be transferred to third-party AI tools solely for basic and necessary functionalities. Such as Wondershare PDFelement AI, the personal data we obtain from Google Drive will be transferred to Microsoft AI tools, solely for the purpose of implementing the basic and necessary editing functionalities required by PDFelement.

14.2 Google API Services User Data Policy

Wondershare Virbo, PDFelement use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.”
You can view the Google API Services User Data Policy here: https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy#additional_requirements_for_specific_api_scopes

15. Special notes on "Wondershare Virbo"

15.1 How does Wondershare Virbo collect and use information?

In general, we do not collect your personal information when you download or use Wondershare Virbo. Below is a description of the user permissions we may use or collect and the purposes for their use or collection:

15.1.1 When you use the video or picture editing function for the first time, we need to obtain your local media storage permission, which will be used when you select videos or pictures, and save videos. Such permission is used solely for you to edit and save videos or pictures, and we do not access any of your video or picture files.

15.1.2 We obtain your personal information when you send feedback by email or provide us with an error report. Please note that such information only contains your name, email address and survey responses. In the above cases, such personal information is used solely for the purposes of contacting you and improving our products and services. We will not use this type of information (your name, email address, etc.) for any other purposes such as selling our products or disclosing your personal information to a third party for commercial gains.

15.1.3 During the secure operation of our software and services, we collect your device and log information. Device information refers to device model information, which may be stated as "phone information" in mobile terminals. This does not mean that Wondershare Virbo collects any content or private information you have entered. Log information refers to service logs generated when you use a service. Device and log information is generally used for purposes including identifying standalone devices, preventing cheating and determining whether an account is secure.

15.1.4 Wondershare Virbo does not currently use targeted push/precision marketing features.

15.1.5 Why we obtain the local storage permission of the SD card: When users edit a video, the application needs to obtain their permission to access local pictures and videos to support file import and export. Users can decide at their sole discretion whether to authorize the application to access local storage space using the local storage permission pop-up authorization window. Once the user’s authorization is confirmed, the application can access the permitted scope of storage space in the relevant scenarios: Permission to access pictures and video files in the local storage space.

15.1.6 If you purchase and use our Customization Service (i.e., AI avatar customization services and voice cloning services), we will apply to the following:

-Algorithm Training. When you purchase our Customization Service, you can have yourself or an individual you designate as a model (collectively, the“Model”) to shoot Raw Materials (including videos, audio, original footage, and other electronic files) and provide them to us. Based on the needs of the Customization Service, you agree that the Raw Materials you provided should contain the Model's portrait, voice, and other personal information with biological characteristics, and we will provide you with AI avatar image customization, voice cloning, and other services by processing and training Raw Materials via relevant algorithm technology. Due to algorithm technology and other reasons, you hereby authorize and agree that we may transmit the aforementioned personal information to a third-party algorithm technology service provider (we have the right to dynamically update algorithm technology providers according to our business needs) for algorithm training to finally form an AI avatar and cloned voice. The aforementioned algorithm provider will collect and process the aforementioned personal information. If the aforementioned Model is not you, you should inform the Model in writing of the detailed information collection, ensure that the Model is fully and completely aware of and agrees to the information collection and processing, and ensure that the Model fully and ultimately agrees to our provision of Raw Materials to the aforementioned algorithm provider.

-Cross-border Data Transfer. The personal information you provide to us and the personal information we collect from you will be transferred to countries outside your country of residence (such as China or the United States), stored or processed in these countries/regions. One of our algorithm service providers or partners outside the European Economic Area, the UK, or Switzerland also processes your personal information. Our processing of your personal information provided to us is the purpose of providing our Customization Services and fulfill our services contracts with you.

-Legal basis for our processing. Moreover, the legal basis for us processing the aforementioned personal information includes:
A. Fulfilling the contract we have signed with you. After you subscribe to our Customization Services, we need to obtain your or the relevant Model's personal information under Raw Materials containing biological features such as images and voices in order to provide you with Customization Services. If you do not provide the aforementioned information and Raw Materials, we will not be able to provide our Customization Services to you because such personal information under Raw Materials is critical and essential to creating your AI avatar and cloned voice.
B. Your consent. You consent to us collecting and processing your personal information and Raw Materials per the agreement to provide services to you.

15.2 Wondershare Virbo personal account information management

15.2.1 Managing personal account information and settings

We provide you with convenient personal information management features. You can query and manage all your basic information in the Member Center on the settings page.

15.2.2 Canceling your user account

You can request to cancel your Wondershare Virbo account by going to [Personal Center] -[System Settings] in the Wondershare Virbo mobile client application. Before you cancel your account, we will check your information. You acknowledge and understand that the act of canceling your account is irreversible, and that once you have canceled your account, we will terminate the rights and services associated with your account.